My Bookmarks

Empty at the moment

As i tell everybody, this blog is mostly a dump for my trivial technical ramblings and self-deprecating sub-negative posts wallowing in my own self-pity

Saturday, December 18, 2004

hmm...i cant think of a title man...

Woah its been almost a month since my last post man!...
anyways...Happy Birthday to ME!!!

So here i am, in the middle of my holidays, reading up on electronics and Laplace transforms and trying to make sense of the "real" significance of "imaginary" and how "s" came about to mean (neper frequency) + j(angular frequency)...its really so important to refer to more than one book while least that's my personall style. Oftentimes, no single book can fully explain something clearly and so multiple cross-referencing gives a better view of the subject you're trying to understand.

hmm...wasn't i supposed to learn more math, then learn more physics? oops...looks like a last minute change of plans. Ever since last week when my friends and i went to AISCube to work as "temp staff"...Youquan helps with the programming (he's damn zai and damn fast and always gets it right man!), Dequan helps with their computers and i've got electronics to do...yeah i'm supposed to help with the vision system electronics, which is actually functionally complete, but could have some improvements. I'm just told to do something for some reason that would optimise the system, and i gotta do the circuit...woah this is kewl i get to do TWO analog circuits! the first design is complete, and simply adds an offset to the raw video signal output from the camera. now im waiting to get there to breadboard it and put it through the final test.

the other is even kewler...its the first bandpass filter i actually have to make!
4kHz centre frequency with +- 1kHz...maybe i'll do direct synthesis and use op amps to simulate an RLC ladder make a chebyshev or elliptic high pass and a low pass filter to remove the unwanted to the ground...that's very tentative...and i'm not quite happy about having to use so many opamps...8 in all for a 5 pole filter...two quad opamp chips are quite excessive for a simple function, which is to detect a 3-5kHz range of tones and just give a square wave output to indicate their presence.

so now i'm hitting the books and trying to understand more abt electronics in the frequency domain and all that...hopefully i get that filter out...