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Sunday, December 18, 2005

happy birthday to me!

today's my birthday.

traditionally we'd have noodles (which i did) and remove the shells of two hard boiled eggs. I'm not sure if this is a Cantonese tradition, but i think its a good time to think about it.

The shells signify all the bad stuff one gets during the year, and so removal of the egg shells signifies a renewal of oneself and bidding all the bad stuff good riddance.

This 19th birthday, i only realised we had all forgotten to do this after dinner, but i think there is no problem. I've spent this weekend, and especially today, clearing up my room and reorganising my shelf. i didn't realise it actually took so long, and i'm still not done yet. the whole table's covered in sheets of paper i need to sort out. and file them. and shelf them. and i cleared loads of rubbish too. its a very consuming job, as i found out, and the dust and the musky smell of old paper make a nauseating combination. i had to take a good nap at four after doing much clearing up.

There's still the big clean up for my drawers, the electronics stuff to sort out into containers i've yet to purchase which are strewn all over my typist's table. And getting more containers for some electronic junk that i've deemed useful, relocating some junk into other containers, and relocating the whole lot of that stuff to somewhere the lower cubicles of my bookshelf? there is certainly no room for the ornament display cupboard that currently hoards my junk.

and there is the 'cupboard' next to my bed that's full of junk waiting to be cleared too...

oh my the amount of entropy in my room...its staggering. sure takes a lot of energy to get it back in order again.

usually the act of clearing up provides satisfaction. not this weekend's though. it's brought more giddiness than satisfaction. and i've gotten rather grouchy from it. the act of purging the negative energy has meant some of it has spilled into me. but i will be glad when i'm finally done with the whole room makeover...that first started with a complete rearrangement of furniture. i will not be able to complete the whole project by this year (misleading use of word, given the time of the year we are at now).

so, this has been 2005's 'egg de-shelling activity'...a more practical and useful one indeed.

(still feeling uneasy and grouchy...need some tv and reading to cure it.)


Blogger urong1986 said...

hey bro....happy belated birthday! =p, STAY COOL AND WISE!!! BE HAPPY!!!

9:25 PM


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