great expectations of a long long time ago
my recent interest in my own Chinese culture led me to a serach for a set of 对联, which my dad got painted some time back. It was dedicated to me and the firstword on each scroll is a character of my name.
I thought i should look at it again and eventually understand the meaning of it, since i was too young to do that when he got it for me.
I'm not good at interpreting calligraphy, but it roughly goes like this:
Woo...those words really blow me away. it goes something like
"riding the skies and catching the clouds, full of life and energy;
sharp arrows and shining swords, with a hero's ambition."
okay chinese sounds really weird when translated into english...its not a proper translation anyway. And i don't know if i misread some of the characters (marked with a bracketed question mark).
If i understood this when i was young, those words would have blown me out the window!
I'm sure my dad must have been responsible for this sort of idea, which he conveyed to the calligrapher...who then enshrined them in these powerful words. much my dad expects from me...really. Its a tall order, but its something to look up to for me now.
of skies and clouds, dragons and horses, swords and arrows...woah...its a little big for a small guy like me, still struggling with the world and within myself. of course, size and most other things are but a point of view. Points of view are by choice.
everyone needs a rebirth once in a while...
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