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As i tell everybody, this blog is mostly a dump for my trivial technical ramblings and self-deprecating sub-negative posts wallowing in my own self-pity

Friday, December 30, 2005


as the year comes to a close, i just want to say sorry.

to all those who expected much of me, i have disappointed

to all those who are friends of me, i have had only negativity and nothing else to share

to my relatives and family, i've been stuck in a deep rut and can't find my way out. you can't see it, you only see my mood swings and chaotic behavioural fluctuations. its been difficult to cope with my presence. i regret that.

to myself: your hummy and your pillows and bolster and bed have been around with you for many years. we will continue to share your sorrows and depression as we have done for many many many years. please be strong, we'll be with you all the way. you can always count on us, as reliable as hummy's smell regenerating powers which were at work since you were a little baby 1 year old.

try to be strong


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every cloud has a silver lining, and even if it doesn't you can be assured that the sun will rise again the next day anyway ;)
Cheeer up mate.

8:00 PM


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