My Bookmarks

Empty at the moment

As i tell everybody, this blog is mostly a dump for my trivial technical ramblings and self-deprecating sub-negative posts wallowing in my own self-pity

Sunday, October 23, 2005

i hate this heart


emotions are going on a downward spiral again. upset for no reason
also upset for many reasons.

痛不欲生 而 无法自拔
万事不如意 万年不成器
浪费大半生的精力, 却换来痛苦与无境可言的心理折磨,到头来还是无所作为

心里怀着痛恨 是一种忧郁 也是一种气愤

无为。 自甘堕落。 悲也。

讨厌自己。 无法面对自己。

what chinese is this?!
i'm damn fucked up
19 years it has been and i just can't get any fucking thing done right.
or get done.

so fucked up...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The "Three Represents"

just a day in the more natural world
and its time to go back in again
into the wilderness...the bewilderness
the senselessness and the numbness

thankfully there is refuge in indulgence
feeding the fire that still burns strong in the heart
keeps it warm
lights up a path for the mind
keeps it from straying into disillusionment


nevermind. i've done a lot today. got the missing parts for the rifle cleaning kit, which was totally messed up during the training in Taiwan, and got my sergeant rank sewn on. got some scores from the Esplanade Library, bought some things for my circuit fabrication method (CFM) project, a pair of earphones to treat my ears to more bearable music, returned home at night and did more CFM stuff, like making the printout for the stencil and the test printout onto the glossy photo paper for the toner transfer test.


no wonder Kai Cheng can't understand my probably don't either =P

my (non)-life essentially revolves around Sungei Gedong Camp and the confines
of my room where my hands are trapped to the keyboard, or my blue DSTA folder containing tons of "classified documents". yeah right...when you were young,
you'd imagine being a detective or a soldier or some can't i pretend to be some defence scientist who sticks his nose into every conceivable project, witching between projects when patience or inspiration runs out?

when i book out of camp, or when i'm stranded in my own thoughts inside of camp (ie mind travel...or daydreaming (non-euphemistic version)) i cease to be Corporal H J Soo, Specialist-to-be and bewildered about CMPB's decision to post him to Armour. any characters take turns to surface. Usually its either the Defence Scientist, the Exotic Engineer (Default setting), or Master Sergeant Uncle Soo the Sergeant Major of...

The Defence Scientist
he's concerned about this nation's security...and feels strongly about bad engineering he feels is rampant in the hardware he sees in the military. too much weight, too bulky, too unintuitive human-device interface (HDI), too screwed up, too much maintenance...most of all, too much inpracticality, lack of commonsense; i.e. stupidity in engineering.

he seeks to change all this, but not before slamming the current technological convention. especially the indigenous 40/50 "weapon system", at which he curses and swears at. Then he proposes a radical idea that is most probably unfeasible or even stupid, before it undergoes a long and painful (to both the spirit and the 'ego') process of ratification and verification and feasibility studies and refinement. He is inclined to discuss his ideas before these logical processes take place, because with their birth comes lots of zeal. that has many embarrassing and disastrous consequences, which should certainly only take place in the thought process and not in conversations with humans, who don't think much of him nor his trash.

The Exotic Engineer...
has conceived a million projects and ideas to date. None of them has been completely realised. He hits a new idea every now and then. Its a touch and go affair...what can be termed "half-fuck efforts". That leaves very unhappy half-virgin ideas waiting to be fully realised.

Engineering is art to him. Art is intriguing and interesting to him, but he doesnt view art as a plaything for surrealists...anyway he thinks everything around him feels surreal. So the scope from which he gets his inspiration and ideas are broad. recently, reading about the origin of chinese characters has created this 'hand' that tugs at him, telling him it is inspiration for a new data transfer protocol that he seeks to create for his "handphone remote control over voice call" project.

his self-confidence is always wavering. It is a chaotic and dynamic system itself...confidence and depression tug at the emotions constantly, producing complex and unpredictable emotional patterns.

Uncle Soo, the has-been Sergeant Major
reminisces much about his past, glorious career as Unit Sergeant Major in a unit that has much history and heritage. many times to be proud of, such as the ascension to the honourable duty while still a corporal, calming initial tension between his sergeants and staff, setting up the S1 and S4 departments, attempts at creating proper procedure and administrative order, organising the first year-end camp in many many years...

but the great things usually remind him of his many failures too, such as the handling of the unhappy Part C cadets who turned against their platoon sergeant, which he felt he could have handled better, and wishing that he could have played a greater role in training instead of just drill lessons, and other embarrassing moments. like the time his sergeants, who were seated behind him, pulled down his pants while he was scolding cadets...

nevertheless, his cadets apparently viewed him in quite a good light, and
called him Uncle Soo. That was to be his legacy...

Since his retirement from service 3 years ago, he has been leading a rather
sad life as a 'has-been'. Currently in the 'real' military service as a corporal, he still has day dreams about becoming a sergeant major again. Of course this will never come true. Nor will the opportunity to lead over a hundred men come again. He will just have to make do with his very specialised duty that makes him a grain in the pillar of the specialist corps, while he pursues his passions he has chosen to indulge in since his retirement, reminiscing all the great moments of the past with much unnecessary nostalgia.


All these and more...until a distant but always irritating voice from the floors above calls for "fall in!!!" and the numb brain (numb from the collapse of the castles it has built over itself onto itself..for beyond maximum on the pain spectrum is numbness) resumes control of the body again.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

painfully consciously awkward

This weekend is passing pretty quickly; that isn't a good thing, because we'll be confined nxt weekend for live firing. everyone dreads live firing. its tedious, its risky, and its meaningless. i guess the only purpose it could serve is to harden your balls by making you run alongside bullets and other projectiles.
5.56mm, 7.62mm, 0.5", 25mm, 40mm... no actually its not all of these i think.

anyway, i've been chanting 'three weeks to three stripes' of late. in less than three weeks, my life as a trainee will end. that of a sergeant's will begin. but there is nothing much to look forward to in 40SAR, where almost all of us will be sent after we leave School of Armour. I've heard the bad things about that place.

so there's really nothing much to look forward to in the SAF, given the circumstances that i am subject to. it isn't a matter of "conditions will never be right, so make the most of them instead of moaning". rather, i don't quite like my circumstances and have chosen not to try liking them...if there are men i have to lead, i will try to fulfil my duty with professionalism, and try to work with them in the way i worked with my friends to run RINCC, and also the VJ robotics club. i will be their leader and friend. not some overlord, nor will i be the unapproachable and fierce sergeant. i believe in soft power, not brute force. back in NCC, it was possible to tell a sergeant to carry on ten push-ups for being late for training. without sounding overbearing at all. it isn't necessary to dominate. anyway my heart is too soft to bear the sight of subjugation. and anyway i've learnt i can't reproach someone effectively by scolding or shouting. if you don't want to, i don't think you should try under the pretext of 'determination'. if you want, it may be worth your life (and i do not mean expending your life to satisfy your wants)

besides all that, i'd prefer time alone to work on my own projects. there are too many to complete. too many unfulfilled dreams to work hands are more than filled. and they effectively prevent R & R (military routine and regimentation) from rotting the brain.

my section instructor once said it was difficult for him to conceive myself leading men. i believe many of my course and section mates share those sentiments...that is not surprising. the self is always running away from the glare of the outside world, leaving behind a cold shadow that is unable to interact. only a small circle can coax the self out of hiding. but that may become a thing of the past. these days it is easy to trip and tumble over my own words, both in english and chinese. when that happens, it is so painfully consciously awkward. i only seem myself in front of my mother. and my papers. and my piano (but my fingers are increasingly stubborn now). and when i dive into my ocean of thought (but i cannot hold my breath for long these days).

the self that i wish the whole world knew, is only an idol that i worship in the private corners of my mind. a figment of wishful imagination, and an aspiration which even my 'core self' resembles barely.

once again, i have expressed myself in a painfully consciously awkward manner. it is a painful and inevitable realisation.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

back from the ROC

phew finally back from Taiwan!!!

Its been ages man...but i feel kinda numb.
it always seems that before you go through an 'ordeal' like 'three weeks of
tough training in taiwan, on new and unfamiliar terrain, challenging to drive, and expect to emerge from it with a great feeling of accomplishment and happiness and relief.

i was hoping for that too, but part of me was also hoping time would just pass by uneventfully. And that came true...the feeling is pretty numb. of course there are some hot and cold moments, but the general feel was nothingness. just wanted to pass time and get over and done with it. which got pretty difficult sometime towards the end. and difficult means very sian.

it wasn't as if i had some other things to work on during this time. didn't feel like reading, didn't feel like working. just took out my DSTA folder, flipped through my papers, pretended to work and act busy (or act smart), but the only thing i managed was to organise them. And they're still messy. i've been doing this pretty often. its my attempt at 太公钓鱼, 愿者上钩. No catch so far...

anyway it doesn't mean my brain left my skull for a holiday for the past three weeks though...there was still plenty of mental 'noise', where numerous thoughts exist fleetingly, emerging into consciousness for a while before disappearing into the darker corners of the mind again.

now i'm back, and i feel more lonely than ever. i'm too tired to think about it, but i do want to get out of it. ...its all too complex for anyone else to comprehend. i feel insecure too. the feeling's back.

but i hope and think and believe i can increase my self-esteem, instead of admiring that which someone else posesses and feeling bad that i do not. (digression: i'm aware this is a bad sentence. too lazy to correct, yet i can spare the effort to write this. i'm always disclaiming and explaining and absolving and extricating myself. the fear of being misunderstood...)